Finance and Risk Management
There are three books written over a span of thirty years. The first book was aimed at the casual reader of newspaper who wanted to understand all the quotes and the term, the product etc. used.
Then came risk management into the focus of banks, asset managers and big corporations.
Finally a book that could be understood as companion to our software Operidla, a simulation engine for operations risk.
Then there is the opus magnum about Investment banks in German.

Computer Science
This book was targeted towards pupils of high-school and office workers at large. It tries to cover the whole universe of informatics, concepts , software and hardware. It has found quite a big audience.

Actuarial Pricing
The pricing book is geared towards export credit insurance and guarantees pricing to be found in the governmental areas and coordinated by the OECD. The idea of level playing field and competing on products and ideas and not on price.lock.
Some articles concerning risk management